


⋱ writings ⋰


after death, remembering: a poem, a portal

after death, remembering

remembering the last time

remembering the last time

remembering you.

there are no new memories

fresh from the face of time.

distant is my earth body

from your momentary meatsuit.

closer is your light

to the quantum web of everything.

i see you clearly,

the greater you of before n after.

the middle you of material mechinations

only a memory

of a memory

of a memory


{Our memories are not truth recorders

but essence bottlers

reconfiguring to suit our sense —

needs and being of the body

contrasts the components

of spacetime.

body records build in narrative,

to see connection,

underapparent in timespace.

sensory storage

folding in on itself.}

i will only remember the essence of you

blended with the records of others

of which we morph,

with each recall,

to include us now.

context everunfolding.

for your mudsuit must be growing

its imprint interacting with me everyday

a new angle,

a new vision,

anew, after death

bottled in the beings of others

a fountain of your essence spills.

lou elda