

fuzzy lou (they/them) is a multidisciplinary, multidimensional artist and worldbuilder. fuzzy identifies as forest creature, earth-toucher, and trans as in transient/cosmic/many (not opposite but infinite). A shapeshifter of many forms and states, they feel most intimate with their subject when exploring thru many media — experimenting with cross materials and influences. All of these variables become collaborators in their creative process. Their primary macroscopic practice is that of bridging. Dwelling in the liminal allows them to bridge ideas, experiences, understandings, sensations, feelings, and connections. They explore how to materialize the immaterial — how to share the transient, expansive nature of spirit and energy. Themes in this work include water, symbolism, nature, pattern, metaphor, archetypes, visibilized feeling, whimsy, and play. Some of the mediums they practice are painting, writing, clothes upcycling, multimedia sculpting, assemblage, tattooing, and creating 4d art experiences. They practice visual spacemaking as a pathway to imaginal evolution.

fuzzy shares their explorations of spirit, embodiment and creation thru visual art, wearable art, writing, experiential art and in 1:1 sessions. they are based in lenape territory / brooklyn, new york.

read more on who i’m learning from and what fills my well.

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