


⋱ writings ⋰


Spoiled by Stagnancy

a half-eaten, ripe fig over fluid reflections of the sun shining on waves of water

being ripe with change allows us to occupy the center of our lives

oh to be comfortable, familiar, stationed~

~a human desire that loses balance when we forget our nature of movement, collaboration, and change.

that’s the thing about being spoiled.. it is past ripe, passed the present where the past lingers into the future - spacetaking - occupying energy, awareness, intention.

as sanyu estelle teaches on intentioned collaboration with the universe: “when there is nothing to solve there is nothing to solve for.” meaning our circumstances share with us the equation for aligned movement. when our aim is repetition, repetition is what we get. only the results don’t stay the same. for even constants cannot escape the universal flow of -change- (note it is called constant change because it is the only thing that stays the same… but the nature of change is that it is difference-in-motion. oh the lushus paradoxes of earth. when i’m holding two poles i know i’m closer to truth. more than binary, two poles bring in the full spectrum betwixt. holding many paradoxes is the multidimensional spectrum of Truth on earth.

there is grief in staying past the exit time. over-ripening, the spoiled fruits that could have been enjoyed, nourished us in their aligned timing, become unused waste. still it’s never too late to turn the putrid into nutrient dense compost. everything is somebody’s good ~ even physical toxic matter can be metabolized by some earthling (consider how fungi process plastic & oil spills). when we clutch the deteriorating, we also ignore the fresher falling fruits that are prepared to collaborate now, with new more relevant nutrients to our changing circumstance. rejection and stagnancy are course-correctors on our journey if we take notice, if we listen to what our interactions are showing us. holding fast to an outdated dream or plan that served an older version of ourselves can be about safety, pride, self-projection, desire for acceptance. we clench too tight and miss the very direction that will bring us closer to ourselves and closer to our community/world/universe.

earth is abundant. it is only our insistence on scarcity that makes it so. (collective=systemic, personal=individual) shifting our personal realities is our individual responsibility within the collective.

i invite you to accept movement, and then collaborate with direction. accept the ever change of creation, destruction, and recreation that is our nature. we can find grounding in growth. many nodes of varied attachment that are consensual, trustworthy, and fluid bring balance to our movement. we can never stay permanently attached to one thing. (life will always bring more variables and surprises.) attempting to do so disempowers us in the face of the unexpected. we exist in folded ribbons of reality that morph, overlap, shift. within the truth of infinite possibility and life-feedback of possible-probable paths to our desired futures, we can find fluid agency. a balancing dance of noticing, responding, intentioned action, and intentioned inaction (rest/reflection/processing) in both our inner and outer worlds. as i said to a friend recently, “i am never in balance. i am always balancing.” ‘to be’ is a verb. to refuse change is to refuse life.

a nearly-ripe mango droops from its tree, vibrant and ready

lou elda